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10:00 AM 

Gather the people together, men and women and little ones, and the stranger who is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn to fear the Lord your God and carefully observe all the words of this law.     Deut. 31:12 (NKJV)

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Nursery: Susan Scott & Marsha Reagan

Pre-K - 1st: Linda Luckritz & Meranda Ellis

2nd - 4th: Robin Reagan

5th - 6th: John Smith

7th - 12th: John & Krinda Reagan


New Members: Chuck & Mary Baker

Adults: Max Thornsberry

Adults: Tom Reagan

Adults: Lavan & Becki Ruggles

College & Career: Tim Sherrer

Prime Timers: Mike Reagan

Sunday School Description

Introduction to Cornerstone: This class is led by Pastor Chuck and his wife Mary. It covers the basic beliefs, core values, vision, and mission of CBC. An exploration of spiritual gifts with an inventory to help you discover your gift(s) is included.

Adult SS class with Tom Reagan: Various books of the Bible are explored with an emphasis on encouraging the serious study of the Bible as God’s inerrant word and biblical discipleship.

Adult SS class with Max Thornsberry: Bible study from the King James Version with life lessons that tackle real-life issues with the timeless truth of God’s inerrant Word.

Adult SS class with Lavan & Becki Ruggles: This Sunday school class is called “Leaving 99” and is built to share in love and fellowship as adults of all ages study God’s word, share prayer requests, and grow together in Christ.

College & Career with Tim Sherrer: This class is designed for college students and young adults to come together and learn how to apply scripture to their daily lives. Scripture application, growing the faith, and being a community is what this class is all about. 

Prime Timers Class with Mike Reagan: Bible-in-Life lessons focusing on four basic goals (connect, teach, apply, and motivate) to communicate the gospel with life-changing clarity. This class originally began as a senior adult class, but now has adult participants of various ages.

Love God; Love People; Make Disciples.



Email us at

Pastor Chuck:

802 East Jefferson Ave

Richland MO, 65556

© 2018 Cornerstone Baptist Church

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